Friday, February 1, 2008

Touching on weather

It's snowed more in St. Louis in the past day than it has in over a decade. This morning, I walked out of my dorm and the concrete stairs had become a smooth white slope. The roads are slush already, and it's not snowing anymore, but every path that hasn't been cleared out is covered in a thick coat of snow. And it's the best sort of snow, too, good for packing and throwing and sledding and skiing.

I'm in love. <3

What's your favorite writing weather?


Anonymous said...

Lucky you. My snow a few weeks ago lasted less than 24 hours before melting.

The weather doesn't impact me when I'm writing. For me, it's when my brain is cooking up ideas or when I feel the urge to write.

Legolos13 said...

lol, i actually rather like to write when its raining... and in the early morning i sometimes take my computer or notebook outside and watch the sun rise while a write... nice setting :D

Manx said...

Good gog... I hate snow. You've probably heard me say that a million times already. :P

Weather does play a great part in my writing muse. A very great part. Oh, yes... raining is good. Early, early morning is splendid.

Um... I like good weather. :D I may define that later, but I am busy. Just wanted to leave you a comment.

Luthien said...

eh, since I haven't ever written anything creative on my own, I wouldn't know what my favorite writing weather is... *grins sheepishly*

Oh, and I hope it's okay that I'm commenting on here...If not, just bite me or something and I won't do it again =D

Vareth said...

Oh, yeah, Lu, that's fine. :D Comments are spiff!